Pastor Michael W. Smith
Rotonda West Community Church
THE DOXOLOGY: Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host! Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
It is my privilege to share with you that our God is an awesome God, and He has delivered a music director for us. Lisa Smithson started on September 22nd. Besides the piano, she also plays the violin, which we were blessed to hear then, playing “The Wonderful Cross.” She not only has much experience in the music arena, but she was the Community Service Coordinator for Charlotte County for two years and has also served as the Executive Director for an Arts in the Park series for 13 years. She was also a Music Director at a Lutheran School for 12 years and was the Founder and Owner of Music and the Arts, where she taught piano, violin, voice and guitar. She has a heart for Christian Ministry, Women’s Retreats, Small Group Leader and Worship. She comes to us with her husband Scott and son, Leyton, who is a senior at Lemon Bay High School. We welcome Lisa, Scott and Leyton to our congregation.
Speaking of “The Wonderful Cross”, if you get a chance, see the newly refurbished cross on the front of the building. We thank Phil Bardua for seeing that this was able to get done and for some of Will Malasics memorial money to help finance it. We also hope that you have seen the new benches in the memorial garden in memory of Will.
We truly are blessed and do offer up our doxology of praise to our great God!
OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS: Vanaey Greenup (3); John Simmons (8); Dave Waddell (18); Syd Allen (21); Dodi Kentel (23); Doris Pinhack (24); Janet Kitamura (25); Rosemary Patavano (26); Harold Fletcher (28)
OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES: Frank & Doris Pinhack (5)
WORSHIP ATTENDANCE: Aug. 25(32); Sept. 1(39); Sept. 8 (41); Sept. 15 (35); Sept. 22 (44)
ZELMA OTTO’S NEW ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER: Savannah Court Apt. 229 1301 W. Maitland Blvd. Maitland FL 32751 (see church directory for new telephone number)
NEW ADDRESS FOR PAT BRADY: 112 Ashland Drive, McCormick SC 29835.
NEW ADDRESS FOR TOM ASPIN: Brookdale-Rotonda Room 122 550 Rotonda Blvd. West Rotonda West FL. 33947
FALL PROGRAMING BEGINS OCTOBER 1. Prayer Group – 10:00 am.
Bible Study – 11:00 am. Studying 1 & 2 Timothy
Lunch – noon
MEN’S BREAKFAST & DEVOTION kicks off on Saturday, October 5, at 8:30 am. Come and share in food and fellowship around the table as we nourish our bodies and our souls.
CHOIR…Please stay tuned in the bulletin for the beginning of Choir later in the month…TBD.
OCTOBER BOARD MEETING: Tuesday, October 8, 1:30 pm. If you cannot attend, let Phil know.
ALL-CHURCH YARD SALE will be held on Friday, November 1, 9am-2pm Bring your gently used items to donate to the RWCC yard sale to raise funds for RWCC. Items accepted for donations are the following but not limited to household items, golf clubs and/or accessories, puzzles, games, furniture, toys, dishware, wall art, hobby supplies. (NO CLOTHING OR ELECTRONICS please!) Hold onto your items until the week of the sale, and then bring to the Serving/Sewing Room to store your donated items. See Barbara Ney or Harold Fletcher with any questions.
In addition, we are considering selling BAKED GOODS at the Yard Sale. Please see Barbara Ney if you would be interested in helping to coordinate this and/or would like to bake an item or two or three.
ROTONDA CHRISTMAS PARADE CHURCH COORDINATOR NEEDED. If we are going to have a float in the Rotonda Parade on December 7th, we need someone to coordinate it. Last year we won the Spirit of Christmas Award. The theme this year is “Christmas Movies.” There is a notice posted on the bulletin board with more details. If this is something you would like to do, see Barbara Ney or Pastor Michael.
Please check out our new website at We thank Barbara, Harold and David Percey for their work on this.
BOARD NEWS: At our September 10 Board meeting, we welcomed Ed Cox as our new Elder to our meeting. Pat Cox shared the Finance report that stated we were down 19% over the summer months in our tithes and offerings. We voted to accept Lisa Smithson’s nomination to be our new Music Director. Her first Sunday will be September 22nd.
September 2024 Newsletter
It is the last Saturday of August, and this afternoon I will be going over to the Rotonda Lakes Circle club house to help Zelma Otto celebrate her 98th birthday, which is the 25th. It is going to be a bitter sweet event, as it will also be a time for many of us to say goodbye to Zelma after her many years of attending and serving RWCC. On Sunday, she will be leaving with her daughter, Debby, to go to Casselberry Florida, where she will live. She has had a number of health issues lately, that has made it impossible for her to live alone. We will miss Zelma and her faithfulness to our congregation. She was our first deaconess. She always had a smile and a kind word to say. She loved remembering us with a card on our birthday or anniversary. Our love, thoughts and prayers are with her as she transitions to her new home.
SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS: Betsy Johnston (14); Laura Tragler (23); Harold Allen (26)
ATTENDANCE: Jul 28 (37); Aug 4 (0); Aug 11 (29); Aug 18 (27); Aug 25 (32)
SEPTEMBER BOARD MEETING, TUESDAY, SEPT. 10th AT 10:00 AM. If you cannot attend, please let Phil Bardua know, so we can be sure we have a quorum.
OUR NEXT FELLOWSHIP POTLUCK will be Sunday, September 29 following the worship service. Be aware that this next year we may have some themed potlucks. More later. It is still in the planning stage with the Kitchen Crew.
PRAYER GROUP AND BIBLE STUDY STARTS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1. This fall we will be studying 1 & 2 Timothy. Give them a read through between now and then. Prayer Group will start at 10:00 am, followed by Bible Study at 11:00 am and lunch at 12:00 noon. **Please Note earlier time for Prayer Group**
WOMEN’S GROUP BEGINS AGAIN ON FRIDAY, September 27th at 10:30 AM. Lunch will follow the meeting, location tbd.
1) We are planning on holding a yard sale on Friday, November 1 in conjunction with the Rotonda West neighborhood event. As the time gets closer, we will be asking parishioners and/or friends and neighbors to donate items for our sale. (NO CLOTHING!!!) All proceeds will benefit RWCC as to be determined. More details will follow in the October Newsletter. We will also be seeking volunteers to help with this event.
2) We are working with Brookdale Assisted Living to coordinate a Christmas Angel Tree gift giving event for their residents. Details will follow.
MEN’S BREAKFAST WILL KICKOFF ON SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 FROM 8:30 – 9:30 AM. There will be breakfast and fellowship around the table, followed by a time of devotions. Sometimes we have a project afterwards. All men in the church are welcome to attend.
ROTONDA CHRISTMAS PARADE CHURCH COORDINATOR NEEDED. Past coordinators have been Ted Anderson, Pat Brady and Barbara Ney. The theme this year is Christmas Movies. There is a notice posted on the bulletin board with more details. If you would be interested or have questions, see Barbara Ney or Pastor Michael.
MUSIC DIRECTOR AND PIANIST STILL NEEDED. We are still looking for a music director and/or Pianist for our Sunday morning worship services and to lead the choir. As a congregation, we are in this boat together, so let our need be known to your friends and neighbors. If you get a lead, let Nancy Stewart, Ed Cox or Pastor Michael know.
August 2024 Newsletter
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” Psalm 46: 10
As we studied the Book of James this spring in Bible Study, we talked about the importance of the tongue. With it with praise God and curse man, made in God’s image. We need to learn how to use self-control over it. We need to think, before we speak, and maybe not speak at all.
I have mentioned before that we live in a culture that likes noise over silence. And what a noisy society it is. I am reading Henri Nouwen’s book, “The Way of the Heart: Connecting with God through prayer, wisdom and silence.” Even when this book was released (1981), he makes the following observation. “Over the last few decades we have been inundated by a torrent of words. Wherever we go we are surrounded by words: words softly whispered, loudly proclaimed, or angrily screamed; words spoken, recited, or sung; words on records, in books on walls, or in the sky; words in many sounds, many colors, or many forms; words to be heard, read, seen, or glanced at; words which flicker off and on, move slowly, dance, jump, or wiggle. Words, words, words! They form the floor, the walls, and the ceiling of our
existence. (p. 37 opening paragraph of Our Wordy World) And he says that because of that, words have lost their creative power and meaning. And it doesn’t matter if we are teachers or preachers,
politicians, businessmen, popes or ayatollahs or media. People are losing confidence in words and we think that they are just words…just another distraction in the world. And they no longer function as communications, no longer foster communion, no longer create community and no longer give life. He says we need more silence in our lives. Silence is the home of words, and gives strength and fruitfulness to the words. And it is in our silence where we really can get to know God and let Him speak. When we go to God in prayer, do we spend some time in silence, listening for God? Or do we rattle off our list of needs and wants and move on with our day? I would challenge us to sit in silence with a notebook and wait on God. How else will we know that He is God?