
Pastor Michael Smith

Pastor Michael Smith has been with Rotonda West Community Church since 2018. He was a Pastor in Minnesota for 22 1/2 years prior to retiring to Rotonda West.

He wasn’t expected to be called out of retirement, but it just goes to prove we never know what God may lead or call us to do. He was drawn to Rotonda West Community Church by the warm friendly welcome he received when he walked through the door. “I felt like I was a part of the RWCC Family. We sing some of the old familiar hymns of the church, which I had grown up on. I love their richness, their Biblical and spiritual depth and their timeless message.” What he finds unique about RWCC is “for the most part, we are an older congregation, but there is the wisdom and strong faith that comes with maturity. We come from different backgrounds but are connected by our love for Jesus and each other.”

Board Members


Phillip Bardua

Chair, Corporate Secretary, Safety Director
Phil has been Chair and Corporate Secretary since January 2024. He has been the Safety Director since 2022. He and his wife Edie have lived in Rotonda West for 14 years and are originally from Cape Cod MA. They have been members of RWCC since 2022.


Harold Fletcher

Harold has been an Elder since 2021. He and his wife Rachel have been members of RWCC for 8 years. They split their time between Kentucky and Rotonda West and have lived here for 12 years. He has previous experience as a pastor for 15 years in western Kentucky and missions Minister in Frankfort, Ky Christian Church.

Ed Cox

Ed has been an Elder since July 2024 . He and his wife Pat have lived in Rotonda Heights since 2019 and are originally from Indiana/Michigan. They have been members of RWCC since December, 2022.

Finance Director

Neal Rietz and Harold Fletcher share the duties of Finance Director.

Neal was the former Board Chair and has been with RWCC since 2018. He is originally from Minnesota and resides in Placida.


Pat Cox

Pat has been the Treasurer since January 2024. She and her husband Ed have lived in Rotonda Heights since 2019 and are originally from Indiana/Michigan. They have been members of RWCC since December 2022.

Board Secretary, Member At Large

Barbara Ney

Barbara has been the Board Secretary since February 2022. She has been a Member at Large since 2023. She and her husband Joe are originally from Mass/RI and have lived in Rotonda West since 2017. They have been members of the church since 2021.

Member At Large

Janet Stevens

Janet has been a Member At Large since 2010. She has been a resident of Englewood for 25 years and is originally from Indiana. She has been a member of RWCC since 2006.