Church Activities

Sunday, December 1st:

10:30am Advent Service

Lighting the Advent Candle – Hope – Isaiah 9: 2-7

Scripture Reading: Luke 1:5-25

Sermon: “Gabriel Comes to Zechariah”

Tuesday, December 3rd:

10:00am Prayer Group

11:00am Bible Study/followed by lunch

12:30pm quartet practice

1:00pm Joyful Sounds practice

December 4th:

4:00pm Duet practice

4:30pm Joyful Sounds practice

Friday, December 6th:

10:30am Women’s Group Meeting and Gift Wrapping Party, bring a boxed lunch. We will be wrapping the gifts for the Angel Tree for residents of Brookdale Assisted Living, followed by fellowship lunch.

Sunday, December 8th:

Lighting the Advent Candle – Peace – Luke 1: 67-80 (Zechariah’s Song)

Scripture Reading: Luke 1: 26-38

Sermon: “I Am the Lord’s Servant”

Tuesday, December 10th:

10:00am Prayer Group

11:00am Bible Study/followed by lunch

12:30pm quartet practice

1:00pm Joyful Sound practice

2:00pm Board Meeting

Wednesday, December 11th:

4:00pm Duet practice

4:30pm Joyful Sounds practice

Friday, December 13th:

6:00pm RWCC Christmas Party. Bring finger food or an hors d’oeuvre to share.

6:45pm Christmas Concert/Sing-along with Cary Price. Friends and neighbors welcome!

Sunday, December 15th:

10:30am Advent Service

Lighting the Advent Candle – Joy – Luke 1: 46-56 (Mary’s Song)

Scripture Reading: Matthew 1: 18-25

Sermon: “Faithful Joseph”

Holy Communion, Prayer, Lord’s Prayer

Tuesday, December 17th:

10:00am Prayer Group

11:00am Bible Study followed by lunch

1:00pm RWCC Women’s Group Annual Yankee Swap. Bring a $15-20 wrapped gift for a fun gift swap gathering! Fun or practical gift-your choice!

December 18th:

4:00pm Duet practice

4:30pm Joyful Sounds practice

Sunday, December 22nd:

10:30am Advent Service

Lighting the Advent Candle – Love – 1 John 4: 7-12

Tuesday, December 24th:

4pm Christmas Eve Worship Service

Sunday, December 29th:

10:30am Service – Epiphany

Call to Worship Isaiah 60: 1-6

Scripture Reading: Matthew 2: 1-12

Sermon: “Wise Men Still Seek Him”

Sunday, January 5th:

10:30am Worship Service

Call to Worship: Isaiah 42: 1-9

Scripture Reading: Luke 2: 21-40
